Feel free to contact me regarding any projects that you have in mind or could use my assistance in finishing. 

Professional Freelance Studio of Marshall C Johnson.

The Good Guys Fireworks

Gunfighters From Hell

It was one of the most popular TV shows from the '60s, so popular in fact that everything from lunch boxes to printed t-shirts was all the rage! Posters of the ever-popular Nathan Castle "The Gunfighter" adorned the walls of millions of teenagers while cowboy kids carried holstered, plastic 6-shooters with "Hellfire Caps" and re-enacted the gunfights from the ever-popular TV show...It was only natural for the boys at "The Good Guys Fireworks" to partner up with Black Cat Fireworks to create the GUNFIGHTERS FROM HELL phenomenon!!! 

One of the Best-selling fireworks to date... Gunfighters from Hell packs a MEGA-PUNCH. and is sure to be a hit for any fireworks celebration!!! 


Concept - Ed Green

Graphic Design & Layout - Marshall Johnson

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