Feel free to contact me regarding any projects that you have in mind or could use my assistance in finishing.
Professional Freelance Studio of Marshall C Johnson.
No one really knows what kind of crazy mutations can occur when Radioactive Waste is brought into the picture, one thing is certain, absolutely no good will ever come of it... That was until NOW!!! From Man-Eating Plants to 3-Eyed Tentacle Monsters this is exactly what happened to our friends at Shady Hills Cemetery in Sherman Oaks, Ca... unbeknownst to the new owners, Harold and Marcy Butte some idiots in the military back in 1953 buried multiple radioactive containment barrels throughout the graveyard and they LEAKED!!! No one is surprised by the HIDEOUS MUTATIONS that occurred, but we can all agree that most of them were REPULSIVE!!! This is where your friends at The Good Guys Fireworks come in, ...Radioactive Monster Snaps are actually remnants or droppings of these terror-rific mutations, collected daily by the staff at "The Good Guys Fireworks" ...and yes friends, we do use a "Doggie-Pooper Scooper" because as you know radioactive waste is horrible for your complexion. After being collected these radioactive ground morsels are graded, sized, categorized, and then sent off to our fireworks manufacturing plant, The rest of the manufacturing details are TOP-SECRET, but the end result is absolutely amazing RADIOACTIVE MONSTER SNAPS!!! ...and they're FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY!!!
Graphic Design & Layout - Marshall Johnson
Original Art - James Aaron Hislope
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