Feel free to contact me regarding any projects that you have in mind or could use my assistance in finishing. 

Professional Freelance Studio of Marshall C Johnson.

The Good Guys Fireworks

Julie Star & the Fire Fairies

Julie Star...

Ever since she could remember Julie Star just adored fur babies, taking in those misfortunate tiny creatures that had been recently orphaned, gotten hurt, or were just a little lonely, as well as hungry and needed conversation and a bite to eat. Local 'Human" residents, as well as most of the magical creatures on Willowmere Street, namely, "Elves and Fairies", knew this about her, you see she had a special kind of kindness...and those that knew her the best, loved her for it. This is how she became such close friends with Queen Enorn and all of the Fire Fairy Clan... You see, one day Enorn's baby sister, Sammie had an accident while trying to coax a Miladonna plant into giving her some spiced honey sap, well the plant absolutely refused and bit her on the wrist, quite severely I might add... Julie witnessed what happened and immediately came to the aid of young Sammie, stopped the fight, and nurtured her back to complete health... thus garnering the Queen's attention and her friendship. Because of Julie's heroic actions, the Queen made Julie an honorary member of the Fire Fairies Clan, a very distinguishable honor in the land of Knark...

Willowmere Street is somewhere between there and here, close and yet far, a special, timeless place that's near and dear to the heart...  

....and so begins, The Adventures of Julie Star and the Fire Fairies!!!


Story & Concept - Ed Green

Graphic Design & Layout - Marshall Johnson

Original Art - James Aaron Hislope

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